
0575.1696045 - 334.6505145 | info@camuarezzo.it |

Who we are

CaMu - Casa della Musica di Arezzo (Arezzo House of Music) is a unique institution in Italy, entirely devoted to Music in all its forms. It was created to build synergies and promote collaboration among entities involved in spreading musical education, and it hosts activities for audiences of all ages: from research to  experimentation, from teaching to concert production, to music outreach programs for children.

CaMu consists of an educational unit, a research department and – last but not least – a concert production office. Championed by the City of Arezzo to keep up the leading role played by the city in the history of music since the times of Guido Aretinus, CaMu avails itself of the solid experience developed by the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, in over forty years' activity of research on the potential of music and its connections with the intellectual development of the human being. CaMu is located in the heart of the old city centre, within the historic Palazzo della Fraternita dei Laici (Laymen's Fraternity Palace).