Luana Gentile
Course taught:
Musicami Workshop
Born in Pescara, after completing secondary school she took up singing and graduated from the "L. D'Annunzio" Conservatory in Pescara. She became an accomplished solo vocalist, was part of several professional choirs (Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari, Rai in Rome, Symbolon Ensemble), and for a long time she was a theater and concert performer. In 2001 she discovered professor Edwin Gordon's Music Learning Theory. In 2001/2002 she attended the first and second levels of the National Training Course “L’educazione Musicale del bambino da 0 a 6 anni” (The musical education of children aged 0-6) according to the principle of Informal Guidance In 2007 she took an advanced class and sat the exam to become a certified AIGAM (Italian Association for Gordon's Music Learning) teacher. Since then, she has been training constantly, and some of the courses she attended include: “Formal teaching according to the Musica Learning Theory” for learners aged 6 to 9; “Teacher effectiveness training” according to Thomas Gordon's active listening, held by Ineke Dunselman, psychologist; “Music in dialogue with the Mind” held by professor A. Odone; first- and second-level workshops “Instrument teaching according to MLT” for wind instruments taught by Dina Alexander; Marilyn Lowe's “Music Moves for Piano” for the teaching of piano. She is now an Audiation Institute accredited teacher, and for over a decade she has been teaching at the Fiesole School of Music and other institutions in Florence.