Pietro De Maria – Piano Master Class
Pietro De Maria
Mauro Buccitti (September 11st and 12nd) -
September 9th-13rd 2019
Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, August 21st 2019
Maximum participants: 13
Auditors accepted.
Applications must be e-mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including your Curriculum Vitae and web link(s) to one or more performance sample(s) of your choice, for a total length of maximum 15 minutes. Incomplete applications will be declined. -
Individual registration fee (non-refundable, payable upon registration); also applies as auditor fee: € 60.00.
Individual tuition fee: € 390.00

The Masterclass includes three individual lessons with the Professor, who will also select at his sole discretion the best students for the final concert to be held on Friday 13rd.
The Masterclass will be complemented with two lessons by Professor Mauro Buccitti, a well known and much appreciated piano tuner, on some essential notions required in order to thoroughly understand and fully master the instrument: its phasing, its evolution up to the modern instrument, principles of tuning, mechanics and intonation, also in relation to performance choices.
During their stay in Arezzo, participants will be able to study in the practice rooms kindly made available by the Liceo Musicale Petrarca, next door to the Casa della Musica.
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tel 0575-1696045