
0575.1696045 - 334.6505145 | info@camuarezzo.it |


As one of the Performing Arts, Music legitimately fits the bill for Intangible Cultural Heritage as defined by UNESCO in 2013. This document confirms the urgent need to safeguard the immaterial cultural heritage which is part of tradition, and to the transmission of knowledge and skills. Just like painting, sculpture and architecture, Music is a very valuable art form; yet, as an auditory and  performing expression, it does not produce three-dimensional, tangible objects.

The only tangible traces which enable musical performance and as a consequence its enjoyment and  comprehension even centuries later, are music papers: they have secured the sounds and melodies that Man has composed over the centuries and today they are valuable sources and important artistic records. As such, they must be preserved and safeguarded before they are completely lost.

CeDoMus, short for Centro di Documentazione Musicale della Toscana (Tuscany Center for Music Documentation), is a project aimed to manage and promote the awareness of music-related documents, in partnership with the Culture and Research Department of Regione Toscana. It promotes census, knowledge and divulgation of the Tuscan music sources. Thanks to the well-established experience of CeDoMus, CaMu Arezzo will be a cornerstone for the knowledge of the City's musical tradition through its historical and artistic sources, so as to establish fruitful interactions among History, Art and Territory.