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Gianna Ghiori graduated at a very young age in Trumpet and Trombone at the Conservatory of music of La Spezia. She then gets the degree in Choir Conducting at the Guido Monaco Foundation in Arezzo and the diploma in Choir Singing at the Conservatory of music of Siena.

She specializes in Choral Conducting under the guidance of Diego Fasolis, Roberto Gabbiani, Giovanni Acciai, Javier Busto, Carl Hogset, Peter Neumann, Gary Graden, Walter Marzili, Ida Maria Tosto, Luigi Marzola, Giorgio Mazzucato, Stojan Kuret. Gianna Ghiori continues her studies by dedicating particular attention to the vocality and the child and youth choir activity, obtaining the master’s degrees in choral direction with Nicola Conci, Mario Mora, Mario Giorgi , Roberta Paraninfo, Giorgio Guiot, Sebastian Korn, Flora Anna Spreafico. Under the guidance of Master Giorgio Guiot she attended successfully a three-year course in music teaching.

She is Director and founder of the Choir “Coro Voceincanto”, with which she performs an intense concert activity, and since 2012 she has won many prizes and awards in prestigious national and international competitions. She is the artistic director of Voceincanto association and the president of the Cultural Association “Conoscere”.

She is a specialist for courses and masters in vocal technique and she is a musician nationally and internationally esteemed.

She collaborated with RAI YOYO on recording musical acronyms and music jingles 

She has been chosen at a national level as “female children’s choir conductor” and has been invited to the Feniarco’s “inDIRECTIONS” project in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the Catholic University of Milan.

She is a teacher and coordinator for educational and musical activities in various school projects in Maternal, Primary and Lower Middle schools in many Comprehensive Institutes in Arezzo.

Since 2008 she has been a teacher of music education and choral singing at the Primary School (Istituto Primario Parificato) “Suore Stigmatine” in Arezzo; from 2017 to 2019 she carried out a choral singing project at the Institute “Medaglia Miracolosa” in Arezzo, that involved all the students of the primary school (Scuola Parificata primaria) “S. Marta”. During the school year 2018/2019 she was a substitute teacher for two months in the class of Trumpet at the Musical High School “Liceo F. Petrarca” in Arezzo. 

She has been the teacher of Music Education and Choral Singing at the International High School “Victor Hugo” in Florence.

Gianna Ghiori is the teacher of choral exercises for the three-year degree course of CaMu House of Music of Arezzo, a project of Scuola di Musica di Fiesole.